Many parents are unaware of a serious form of tooth decay in infants, babies and young children known as Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. This can occur when your young... more
Ask this question of any doctor or dentist, and you will receive a wide range of answers. But one thing is clear: your choice of toothpaste should be carefully ... more
Teething can create minor discomfort in the gums as the teeth begin to appear, as well as irritability and an increase in saliva. That said, most children don’t... more
Most children suck their fingers or thumbs from a very young age, and most of them grow out of it by age three without causing permanent damage to their mouth o... more
If you have a child whom you need to help break a finger- or thumb-sucking habit, here are some tips:– Stay positive and be supportive at all times. Rather than... more
“Bad Bites,” also known as malocclusions, arise over time and are seen in kids as young as age 2-3. Even at this young age, parents can take steps to reduce the... more